Newport News Police Pipes and Drums

Welcome to Newport News Police Pipes and Drums

In August 2003, a dream was born. That dream was to bring a police pipe and drum band to the city of Newport News and to the Greater Peninsula region. We also wanted to serve our Brothers and Sisters in the first responder community.
News & Announcements
We've Moved!!
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

Welcome to the new band website!!!

Hat tip to Mr. Jeff Forrester for getting us set up with an upgraded website.  Some of our new features include:

  • Members only section
  • Document manager
  • Bulletin Board
  • Calendar
  • ...and a mobile friendly site!

Band members should look forward to an email outlining these details in the near future.

until then...stay safe and keep practicing!


The Pipes & Drums Are Graciously Supported By The:


The Newport News Police Foundation was created to promote "Excellence in Policing" to the Newport News Police Department by providing resources not readily available from traditional funding sources. The Fund is supported by unsolicited donations, fund-raising activities, and from directed public donations to the Fund. NO TAX DOLLARS ARE USED TO SUPPORT THE FUND.